As a body united in faith through Jesus Christ, we affirm that we are a Christ-centered church that strives to live out our faith in practical, life-affirming ways.
We love one another as Christ loves us:
We are a church that welcomes one another, as Christ has welcomed us
We care for and respect all of our members, working to foster community in small and large group
We acknowledge that in our diverse community, there will be differences
We will communicate agreement and disagreement civilly and focus on building relationships to strengthen the body, rather than insisting on our own way
We are a community open to all and closed to none
We help one another draw nearer to God:
We value worship as an expression of our love for God
We recognize the diversity of spiritual gifts and we help one another to develop these gifts in order to live out the ministry of all believers
We value theological diversity. We understand that each believer uniquely experiences God’s love in Jesus
We value mission and outreach as a way of applying our faith, near and far
We acknowledge the importance of spiritual growth
We take responsibility for developing our spiritual lives through study, worship, involvement in ministry, and by the dedication of our personal and material resources
We are active in our discernment of the will of God using the combined wisdom from scripture, tradition, reason and experience.