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Please join us for worship each Sunday in the Sanctuary at 11:00 a.m.   All are welcome!  If you can't make it to the service in person, please join us on zoom. Here's the link:


Meeting ID: 834 0999 5016

Passcode: 128073


At each service, Pastor Debbie invites the children to join her up front for the Children's Sermon.  Following the sermon, Pastor Debbie gives each child a Children's Bulletin and figurines or whatever she shared to take back to the Children's Prayground so they can learn to retell the story.  


(The Children's Prayground is at the back of the Sanctuary.)
















After the Worship Service, we all go across the hall to the McAfee Room for "Linger Longer," where we gather and share food and stories.  It's a lot of fun! We'd love to have you join us!!


Pastor Debbie's Sermons

Right now we're working on adding

Pastor Debbie's sermons to YouTube!

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