Fairfax Christian Church is involved with a variety of ministries including the following:
Pilgrimage Children's Ministry
Fairfax Christian Church is a supportive partner of Pilgrimage Christian Church, which ministers to the poor in Suitland, MD.
Each year we collect donations and purchase school supplies for the Pilgrimage children and deliver them before school starts, helping these children start the year ready to learn! Each year we also collect donations and purchase Christmas gifts for the children at Pilgrimage Church. We deliver their gifts at their annual Christmas party. How rewarding it is to see the children's eyes light up at the sight of the gifts under their Christmas tree!!

Food Ministry
Safe Haven is a day shelter located in Falls Church, Virginia. Churches in the area partner to prepare meals for 100 - 150 homeless people each month. The Lamb Center is a day shelter that feeds and ministers to the hungry and homeless population in Fairfax. They offer job search assistance, bible study, counseling, laundry service, and meals. Food for Others is the primary safety net for those needing food when an emergency strikes or who are struggling to make ends meet. FCC regularly helps all of these organizations.
From April to September 2017, FCC also hosted a Community Supper the last Sunday of the month. Our goal was to reach out to the homeless, the hungry, and those who just wanted company.
Wedding Ministry
Conducting and celebrating the wedding nuptials is a most sacred and joyous occasion in the lives of any couple. Our wedding ministry helps family and friends create a beautiful, meaningful, memorable, and worshipful wedding service.

Property Ministry
In the spirit of being good stewards of God's gifts, property ministry volunteers maintain and safeguard all church facilities and properties. In the spring and fall, and other times as needed, we gather for a yard party. We work on the grounds, trimming bushes, pulling weeds, planting flowers, picking up limbs, etc. We'd love to have you join us! It is fun and rewarding–and lunch is on Fairfax Christian Church!
Outreach Ministry
The mission of the Outreach Ministry is to plan and administer a program of Christian witness extending beyond the immediate confines of Fairfax Christian Church. This ministry creates an understanding of, and commitment to, the Congregational missionary, social action, and benevolent roles espoused throughout the Church Universal.
As part of our Outreach Ministry, we support the Shepherd's Center of Fairfax-Burke (SCFB). SCFB is a volunteer organization dedicated to supporting and enriching the lives of older adults (50 or better) in the Fairfax-Burke community.
PROGRAMS : Lunch 'N Life, Dementia Caregiver Support Group, Medical Transportation and Companion Shopping Program. See www.scfbva.org for more information.

Fairfax Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) hosts Shepherd's Heart Anglican Church and Rise and Shine Preschool and Daycare Center. We also host AA on Monday evenings.